Kathryn Lovell

Frontend Engineer in NYC. Managing where Art, Science & Craft meet.

I love graphs whether geospatial, linear, or unembeddable.

I've built data discovery systems as well as platforms for push content. Looking forward to guiding ever larger scale projects.

Committed to iterative improvement, habitually preparing for the next opportunity.

New Website

January 10, 2020

This looks like the kind of website that would attempt to wrest control of your scrolling, right? I wouldn’t do that to you.

Agile Project Management

September 19, 2017

Back in the Summer of 2015, I worked as a software engineer intern at Connecticuit-based company Pitney Bowes, specifically on the team for…

Digital Thread for Manufacturing

September 19, 2017

In the Summer of 2016, I was employed by STEPTools to work on the Digital Thread for Manufacturing. Our solution for monitoring machine tool…

The Pulse IDM Sessions

February 08, 2017

One of the coolest shows we’ve done in EMPAC so far, an evening of experimental electronic jamming with a boiler-room format. I was glad to…